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Carousel rides are, perhaps surprisingly, one of the most purchased amusement park rides in the world. When some people think of carousel rides, they picture old-fashioned merry-go-rounds. While traditional, vintage-themed carousels can make a good investment for your venue, the market has evolved and you can now find some very futuristic carousel rides for sale, including super-sized multi-level models.

If you are considering buying a new ride for your theme park(купить новый аттракцион для парка), you want to make sure you explore all your options. With that in mind, in this short post, we’ll be discussing some of the varieties out there.

Best Carousel Ride
Best Carousel Ride

• Miniature Carousel Rides

Miniature carousels are popular thanks to their low cost and space requirements for installation. They are great for small kids and you can find many coin-operated models in the marketplace that don’t require an employee for operation. You can often find these rides outside of large grocery stores as they help parents to keep young children entertained during a shopping trip. If you own a small venue, a miniature carousel ride could be a great addition and is sure to bring in a lot of profit.

• Themed Carousel Rides

Themed carousel rides (Тематические карусели аттракционы) are in high demand as they allow operators to capitalize on the success of popular kid’s movies, TV shows, and classic fairy tales. For instance, you can find many Disney themed rides for sale. In addition, you can find themed carousels that replace the horse-shaped seats with different animal-shaped seats, such as dolphins, mermaids, tigers, etc. Underwater life carousels are a top seller.

• Over-Sized Carousel Rides

For owners of large outdoor amusement parks, over-sized carousels can be a great addition as they can accommodate a large number of riders at one time so long lines are avoided. The best models have flashing lights to draw in the nighttime crowd and a booming sound system. A theme park that has an over-sized, multi-level carousel ride can more easily distinguish itself from competitors and attract more visitors. And, more visitors equals higher annual profits, making over-sized models a great investment. More carousels rides information can be found here! https://bestonparkrides.ru/karusel-dlya-prodazhi-iz-kitaja/

• High-Speed Carousel Rides

While many people think of carousel rides as rides for kids rather than thrilling rides for teens and adults due to their slow rotation speeds, there are some high-speed carousels out there. These rides have more secure seating, so can turn at faster speeds, and some of them even elevate and spin at an angle for a more thrilling riding experience. If you are tired of traditional merry-go-rounds, be sure to check out the latest high-speed options.

New Carousel Rides
New Carousel Rides

As you can see, there are many different types of carousel rides for sale, so you need to take a lot of parameters into account. Furthermore, it’s vital that you choose a reputable supplier to purchase your ride from, ideally a global-renowned amusement ride manufacturer such as Beston. If you don’t think a carousel ride is the best fit for your venue, be sure to explore other ride options, such as pirate ship rides, bumper cars, roller coasters, and Ferris wheels.

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